Women’s Leadership Certificate Program
“Navigating Leadership through Purpose and Passion”
HRCI Business Credits: 15.5 • SHRM PDCs: 15
We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women’s voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored.
Are you excited to make a bigger difference in your organization? Are you ready to boost your leadership skills, put your career on the fast track, grow as a powerful woman leader and reach your professional goals?
We are here to help!
Women make up 51% of the U.S population, but only 6.4% of Fortune 500 CEO roles.
This 2-Day Women’s Leadership Certificate Program “Navigating Leadership through Purpose and Passion” will be a highlight of your career. It will allow you to explore what leadership means. It will help you eliminate any fears and trepidations you need to overcome to be an effective leader. It will empower you to reach your leadership potential and gain the skills, confidence, knowledge, and resilience to lead others and be a change leader in your organization.
Some of the results of this program are that you will:
- Understand women’s leadership through a gender perspective
- Identify the top reasons why having women in leadership benefits your entire organization
- Acknowledge and leverage your leadership style, strengths, and vulnerabilities
- Differentiate Leadership from Management
- Gain knowledge on different leadership and motivational theories
- Overcome the “Imposter Syndrome”
- Learn to build confidence and defeat negative self-talk
- Skillfully influence and manage change to steer our ship’s direction
- Increase your knowledge of day-to-day leaders’ skills and responsibilities
- Successfully overcome issues nowadays affecting leadership and the unique challenges faced by women leader
- Effectively manage low-performing teams
- Engage and influence your team to be successful
- Recognizing how women are breaking the glass ceilings
- Find ways to balance business and family life. e.g., meditation
- Discover ways to help women succeed in leadership
- Acquire tools to start writing your own travel journey, you are the captain of your boat
If you want to improve the organization, you need to improve yourself and the organization gets pulled up with you.
-Indra Nooyi
This certificate program will benefit women in leadership, existing leaders, first-time leaders, and employees that want to gain knowledge and confidence to become leaders.
A great leader is like a captain of a sailing ship; sailing is not always, smooth seas, sunshine, sunsets, orca sightings, and beautiful beaches, it is also a lot of hard work and can be incredibly challenging and sometimes overwhelming. But a great leader needs to learn to continue to navigate despite the seasickness, the fear, and the storms we might face when the ocean is rough.
I hope you join us on this exciting cruise! Bon Voyage!
Why is Leadership like a Ship? (Marlin’s Analogy)
- Water
- Compass
- Steering Wheel
- Leaks
- Sails
- Weather
- Other Ships
- Destination
What is Leadership?
Leadership vs Management
Benefits of having women in Leadership
Leadership Activity
Leadership Theories
- Trait Theory
- Emergent Theory
- Path Goal Theory
- Behavioral Theory
- Situational Theory
- Likert Model Theory
- Contingency Theory
Blake Mouton’s Theory
5 Types of Leaders
- Country Club
- Authoritarian
- Laissez-Fair
- Middle of the Road
- Team Leader
Situational Theories
Situational Leadership (Hersey-Blanchard)
- Direct
- Coach
- Support
- Delegate
Likert Model
- Exploitive-Authoritarian
- Benevolent-Authoritarian
- Consultative
- Participative
Contingency Theory (Fiedler)
Leadership Theory Activity
Styles of Leadership
- Transactional vs Transformational Leadership
- Servant vs Bureaucratic Leadership
- Democratic vs Autocratic Leadership
Leadership Myths
Leadership Myths Activity
10 Leadership Skills of Successful Women
- Strategic Thinking
- Planning and Delivery
- People Management
- Change Management
- Communication
- Persuasion and Influence
- Creativity
- Positivity
- Self-Awareness
- Empathy
Leadership Skills Activity
Leadership Responsibilities
- Lead by Example
- Ask Tough Questions
- Ensure Long-Term Organizational Success
- Be Committed
- Maintain Integrity
- Focus on Big Picture
- Improve the Organization
- Have a Basic Understanding of Each Role/Department
Being a leader activity
Why women are natural-born leaders?
Leadership at the Workplace
- Developing and Communicating Vision and Strategy
- Building Great Teams
- Setting Internal and External Conditions for Success Key Factors
- Preparing for the future
Developing and Communicating Vision and Strategy 6 Best Practices
- Simplicity
- Authenticity
- Communication
- Repetition
- Behavior
- Feedback
Building Great Teams 8 Steps
- Goals
- Experiment
- Diversity
- Culture
- Accountability
- Communication
- Welcome
Setting Internal and External Conditions for Success Key Factors
- Integrity
- Continuous Learning
- Well-Being
- Feedback
Preparing for the Future
- Key Factors
- Leadership Preparing For the Future
- Technology Intel
- Cultural Intel
- Teams
- Innovation
- Cognitive Fluidity
Leadership at the Workplace Activity
Overcoming the Imposter Syndrome
Building confidence to defeat negative self-talk
Leading in a New Workplace
- Work Quickly
- Team KSA’s
- Accomplishments
- Communication
- Expectations
Leadership at a New Workplace Activity
30/60/90 Day Plan
Leading Individuals and Teams – Darren Banks
Characteristics of High Achievers
- Clear Vision
- Focusing on Action
- Commitment to Learn
- Personal Discipline
- Resiliency
- Centering on Solutions
- Whatever It Takes
How to Motivate High Achievers
- Need to Keep it Interesting
- Need to Clarify Expectations
- Need to Offer Special Assignments
- Need to be Honest (especially with failure)
- Need to Provide Feedback
- Need to Recruit Intelligently (Joint Recruiting)
Characteristics of Low Performers
- Unwilling and resistant to change
- Negative attitudes and influence on the work environment
- Blames problems on the leader and other team members
- Lacks ownership
- Does not meet deadlines and goals
How to Manage Low Performers
- Do not Avoid
- Have Focus Purpose
- Be Confident
- Be Open to other’s Perspectives
- Use “I” Statements
- Stick to the Facts
- Solution and Buy-In
- Follow-up and Accountability
- Private vs Public
Characteristics of a Successful Team
- They communicate well with each other
- They focus on goals and results
- Everyone Contributes their fair share
- They offer each other support
- Team members are diverse
- Good Leadership
- They are organized
- They have fun
How to Motivate Successful Teams
- Competitive Pay
- Environment
- Self-Learning
- Team Building
- Empowerment
- How to Handle Failure
- Set Clear Goals
- Do Not Micro-Manage
- Characteristics of a Low Performing Team
- Poor Listening
- Blaming
- Confusion
- Competing
- Low Communication
- Defending Mistakes
How to Manage Low Performing Teams
The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team (Lencioni)
- Trust
- Conflict
- Commitment
- Accountability
- Results
Leadership Activity
Issues Affecting Leadership
- Gender differences
- Generational differences
- Cultural differences
- Emotional Intelligence
Geert Hofstede’s 6 Cultural Values (Dimensions) Robin Butler
- Power Distance
- Uncertainty Avoidance
- Individualism vs Collectivism
- Masculinity vs Femineity
- Long Term vs Short Term Orientation
- Indulgence vs Restraint
Emotional Intelligence (EI)
- Top secret tool for women to succeed in Leadership
- Intelligence quotient vs Emotional quotient (IQ vs EQ)
- IQ + EQ = Success
- EQ (HIGH vs LOW)
- Self-Awareness
- Self-Regulation
- Motivation
- Empathy
- Social Skills
EQ Activity
- Training
- Individual/Team Development
- Organizational Development
- Why Train?
- Succession Planning
- Retention – Lower Turnover/Absenteeism
- Increase Human Capital
- Employee Branding
- Support Mission & Strategy
- Meet Changing Needs of Market
- Meet Regulatory Requirements
- Higher Employee Engagement/Morale/Commitment
- Increase Productivity/Experts
- Reduce Accidents
- Return on Investment (ROI)
ROI Activity
Individual/Team Development
- How to Motivate, Engage, and Develop Your Team
- Share your vision and set clear goals
- Communicate with the entire staff equally
- Encourage Teamwork/Partners
- Inspire a Safe/Healthy Office Environment
- Provide positive feedback and reward team
- Provide Opportunities for Development
Motivational Theories
Content – Need-Based (What Motivates You)
- Hierarchy of Needs (Maslow)
- Learned Needs Theory (McClelland)
- Hygiene Theory (Herzberg)
- Self-Determination Theory (Deci)
- Cognitive – Process Based (How Do Make Decisions)
- Theory X vs Theory Y (McGregor)
- Goal Setting Theory (Locke)
- Equity Theory (Adams)
- Expectancy Theory (Vroom)
- Social Learning Theory (Bandura)
- Non-Cognitive – Behavioral
- Behavioral Reinforcement Theory (Skinner)
- Direct/Indirect Motivation at the Workplace
- Salary/Benefits/Culture
- Understanding competitive Fair Pay
- Strategic Objectives of Compensation
Compliance with the Law
- Equal Pay Act
- Comparable Worth Controversy
- Glass Ceilings
- Glass Walls
- Glass Elevators
Major Factors Influencing Pay – Sampoorna Ramakrishna
- Pay Decisions
- Job Evaluations
- Qualitative – Job Ranking/Classification
- Quantitative – Point Method/Factor-Comparison
- Salary Compression/Salary Inversion
- Broad Branding/Compa-Ratio
- Red Circle/Green Circle/Topped Out
- Components of Compensation (Direct/Indirect/Incentives)
The state of the gender pay gap in 2021
Organizational Development
Organization life cycles
Organization Development Leadership
- Model behavior
- Establish a purpose that you believe in
- Set Expectations
- Reinforce a culture of Accountability
- Make it Personal
- Organization Development Success
- Empower Employees
- Change Systems
- Clear Vision of Organization Strategy
- Total Quality Management (TQM)
Incentives at the Workplace
- Merit Pay, Commission, Bonus, Piece Rate, Halsey Premium, Person-Based
- Pros/Cons
Group (Gainsharing)
- Scanlon
- Rucker
- Impro-Share
- Pros/Cons
- Profit Sharing
- Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)
- Pros/Con
Benefits important to women
Career Planning vs Career Management
Career Development – 5 Stages
- Occupational Prep
- Organizational Entry
- Early-Career
- Mid-Career
- Late-Career
Contemporary Career Theories
- Protean Career Theory (Hall & Mirvis)
- Multiple Career Concept Model
- Dual Careers/Dual Ladders
- Fast Track Development
Career Development Theory Activity
Job Enrichment vs Job Enlargement
- Job Rotation, Job Enrichment, and Jon Enlargement Activity
Programs to Develop Employee Skills
Types of Performance Appraisals – Rubitha Logan
- Supervisor – Informal/Formal
- Self-Appraisal
- Team/Peer Appraisal
- 360 –
- Performance Evaluations
- Checklists
- Ranking
- Forced Distribution
- Forced Choice
- Narrative (Essay, Critical Incidents, Field Review)
- Graphic Rating Scale
- Observations (BOS)
Performance Evaluation Activity
Evaluation Rater Error Bias
- Halo/Horn
- Leniency/Strictness
- Central Tendency
- Inter-Rater Reliability
- Sequencing/Contrast
- Recency Effect
- Primacy Effect
- Biased/Subjective Effect
Ongoing Performance Management
- SMART Goal Setting
- Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
- Individual Development Plan (IDP)
5 Keys to Model Ongoing Performance Management
- Set Clear and Measurable Goals
- Create an Ongoing Feedback Loop
- Use Frequent Check-Ins
- Train Managers on Giving Feedback
- Avoid Annual Reviews
Ongoing and Maintaining Leadership
- How to Lead Through Uncertainty: Crisis Management
- How to Lead Employees in Virtual Times
- Networking
- Self-Development
- Books to read
Meditation Activity with Ruthie Turner
Ways to help women succeed in Leadership
Developing your Personal Brand
“YOU are the captain of your own ship; don’t let anyone else take the wheel”